The Latest Life-Affirming News
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Is it Possible to Personally Oppose Something, but Not Impose Our Views on Others?
By: Robert Morris As a child, my sister was once asked at a party what she thought of the food. In an early...
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
According to Child Maltreatment 2020, the latest report from the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) found an average of more than 8,600 children received a child protective services investigation PER DAY in the United States during Fiscal Year 2020. Nearly 1,700 were found to be victims of maltreatment on an average day. Among those victimized children, more than 75% were neglected, and more than 25% were physically and/or sexually abused (the figures for all categories will add up to more than 100% due to some children experiencing 2 or more forms of maltreatment).
Teaching Kids About the Sanctity of Life
I believe every child – regardless of circumstances – has equal and irrevocable worth.
Welcome to the Family
Anglicans For Life is dedicated to protecting life at all stages. As God’s adopted children, we know He wants us to adopt orphans and vulnerable children as our own in an effort to support and continue His loving outreach.
Awfully Comfortable
June Term: The Ten Words of Life
Trinity School for Ministry and AFL are hosting a June Term class from June 13-17, 2022. The class will be taught by...
“I’m Just Like You” Flashcards Product Update
A wonderful door opened in January for our Anglicans For Life group at The Falls Church Anglican. We were invited by...
Welcome Aboard Ed Speare!
By: Kristen Nagy Anglicans For Life is excited to welcome Ed Speare as the newest member of the Anglicans For Life...
Reaching New Heights at Life SUMMIT 2022
By: Deacon Georgette Forney I’m one of those people who tries to imagine every possible thing that can go wrong when I...