Explore AFL’s Education Programs
Please note:
Project Life and Embrace the Journey feature both a “Participant Guide” and “Leader’s Guide.” The Participant Guide is for you, and the Leader’s Guide is for the individual teaching or leading the class/group. Your class’s leader will need to select ONE of the two video options: Digital access to the videos on Vimeo or a DVD.
Project Life
Project Life is the first adult education curriculum focused on life. We want you and your parish to be more informed and equipped to witness the importance of every human life through God’s eyes. Abortion, sexual risk avoidance, adoption, euthanasia, and stem cell research are a few of the topics addressed in this program. One week features action ideas for the different topics.
Embrace the Journey
Embrace the Journey is an eight-week, video, adult education series designed to help you and your church understand and apply God’s Word to end-of-life issues. Embrace the Journey is a must-view for anyone who loves someone that is getting older! Whether you are newly married, retiring, or haven’t gotten around to thinking about aging and dying, we all must be prepared. This valuable resource helps you understand the benefit of planning and preparing for death.
*Each Participant Guide includes the Finishing Life: Preparing for the End of Life booklet and scripts from the video teachings.
Finishing Life
Finishing Life is a wonderful booklet included with all Embrace the Journey Participant Guides. It acts as a printed record of your end-of-life wishes, and critical personal information that will be needed by your family when you die.
*Remember to order one for each person!
Abundant Life: You Were Made For More
This unique online curriculum was designed for students looking to deepen their identity in Christ. Students will explore the various aspects of a relationship with Christ and how that relationship impacts their values. Topics include, but are not limited to, relationships, identity, sexuality, pornography, trauma, and the Sanctity of Life.
AFL’s youth program Abundant Life: You Were Made for More is offered as 5 individual modules or you can purchase the entire curriculum.
Review the modules below:
Curriculum Overview
Module 1: Rooted This module is about knowing and believing in who you are. Topics covered include personal identity, love vs. infatuation, and God, guys, and girls. |
Module 2: Let’s Get Real This module focuses on life topics such as social media, pornography, loneliness, and rejection. |
Module 3 : Purity: Rethinking, Reorienting, Restarting This module focuses on building God-like relationships full of purity and honor according to the gospel. |
Module 4: An Overflowing Cup This module will challenge you to think deeper about what you want to be known for, and how you will follow Christ. |
Module 5: You Were Made for the “Not Yet” This module explores relationship challenges and the biblical view of sexuality. |