About the AAF
Since 2015, the fund has helped eight Anglican families involved in international, domestic, and foster care adoptions and granted over $15,000 in financial support. In August 2021, however, the jurisdictional authority of the fund was passed to AFL, which complements our position as the go-to Life-Affirming ministry of the Anglican Communion. AFL created a fund review board in September 2021, which will review grant applications of potential adoptive families and send out funds accordingly.

We are so grateful for the generous grant and support we received from the Anglican Adoption Fund. Our adoption process started several years ago and after many months of waiting, we were blessed with the arrival of our baby girl. In the whirlwind of a recent military move, adoption fees, and a long hospital stay required out of state to be with our little girl after her birth, we were touched by the kindness of the Anglicans For Life staff and beyond thankful for the blessing of financial assistance towards our adoption expenses.
-Tae, Chris, Ella, Asher, and Brynn
Grant FAQs
The Church needs to make sure that its response to unwed mothers or teenagers facing an unplanned pregnancy is not condemnation; the sin committed is that of sex outside of marriage, not being pregnant. By creating an environment where unplanned motherhood is seen as the worst offense, the Church inadvertently pressure women into choosing abortion. We need to honor women who give life to their children and help teenage mothers care for their child, no matter how he or she was conceived.
What are the requirements to submit an application?
All applicants must be married and baptized Christians. Families must be actively connected to a local church affiliated with the Anglican Church of North America. In addition, applicants must submit:
How do I apply?
To apply for a grant through the Anglican Adoption Fund (AAF), you must meet the requirements listed on the application and submit a complete application to the review board. Applications will be available for electronic download soon. In the meantime, please contact Georgette to express your interest in the fund and submit the required forms listed below.
Do you have to be Anglican?
Yes! All grantees must be an active member of an Anglican Church.
When will I know if I was selected?
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. All applications will receive a letter regarding the outcome of their application.
Where do the grant funds come from?
Grant funds come from donors. To make a contribution click here. All contributions are tax deductible. When filling out the digital donation form, please select “Adoption Fund” from the dropdown menu.
I received a grant, what happens next?
Applicants who are awarded grants will receive instructions on how and when funds will be dispersed.
Are the grants taxable?
No, the grants are not taxable.
Can I receive more than one grant?
Only one grant per each adoption is available, however, we recognize there may be additional circumstances to consider. The AAF reserves the right to make exceptions. If you have any questions please reach out to Georgette.
How do I share my family's success story?
If you were selected for a grant and would like to share your story, please reach out to AFL’s president, Georgette Forney, or our Director of Marketing and Communications, Kristen Nagy. We love to hear how God’s grace helped make your dreams come true!
Ready to Start the Grant
Application Process?
There are three parts to the grant application.
Click each form above to download and share as applicable. Each form should be electronically filled out and submitted via email to [email protected].
Why Donate?
The goal of the fund is to assist Anglican families during the adoption process by reimbursing adoption expenses (such as home studies or placement fees). All donations are tax-deductible, and go towards the grants gifted to adopting couples. Donating is a wonderful way take action for life.
Private Agency Fees
Working with a private agency to adopt a healthy, newborn baby or to adopt from another country can cost between $5,000 and $40,000.
Home Study Fees
Home study fees alone, can run between $1,500 and $4,000.
Adoption costs add up…
Your generous donation can help offset the cost.