
AFL offers a number of opportunities for individuals interested in getting involved in Life-Affirming ministry. In fact, we believe that if every person in every church did one thing every day to uphold the Sanctity of Life, we could cancel the culture of death! No matter what your age, experience, talents, or location is, you can celebrate, protect, and honor life with us! Explore the various ways in which you can get involved below.
Women hugging at church

Individual Involvement Opportunities

Become a Life Leader

Life Leaders serve as the point-person in their parish to organize, plan, and lead life-related activities and ministry. Life Leaders are local ambassadors that serve as the link between AFL and their church, as well as within their community.


There are many benefits to becoming a Life Leader. You will receive information, resources, ideas, and ongoing support for your ministry. Life Leaders participate in AFL’s monthly Zoom for Life calls that feature national leaders discussing critical topics. Life Leaders also receive a 15% discount off all purchases and event tickets.

Responsibilities Include:

    1. Stay informed about AFL, life topics, and share their knowledge with others.
    2. Complete one activity from the “What Can You Do to Protect Life?” brochure annually.
    3. Arrange to have their name/church information included on the AFL Life and Chapter Leader website map.
    4. Participate in AFL’s monthly Zoom for Life meeting – which features guest speakers, information, and guidance.
    5. Coordinate one life offering each year at their church as a donation to AFL, with rector approval.
Woman supporting another woman
Family in front of a cross

Join AFL’s Prayer Team

Upholding the sacredness of life conflicts with satan’s desire to steal, kill, and destroy life, hence the most important ministry we do, is done in the spiritual realm through prayers and petitions to the Lord. AFL’s prayer team has over 900 individuals dedicated to praying daily using our quarterly prayer calendar.


Become a Chapter Leader

Any lay member in a church can start a Chapter. Chapters are formed when a church has several people interested in upholding the Sanctity of Life through education, advocacy, and ministry. Each Chapter has a Chapter Leader, who is responsible for acting as the liaison between their church and Anglicans For Life (AFL). Chapter Leaders are encouraged to establish an action plan that will aid in their Chapter’s effectiveness in serving God and life.


There are many benefits to affiliating with AFL. Chapters receive information, resources, ideas, and ongoing support for your ministry. Chapter Leaders participate in AFL’s monthly Zoom for Life calls that feature national leaders discussing critical topics. Chapters also receive a 15% discount off all purchases and event tickets.

Responsibilities Include:

All of the duties of a Life Leader plus:

    1. Plan annual meeting to establish Chapter goals and action plans.
    2. Provide regular updates and pictures of your activities for AFL’s Newsletter.
    3. Set two action or ministry-oriented goals for the Chapter to achieve annually.

Leading an AFL Chapter has been incredibly rewarding because I believe the local church is key to winning the battle for life in our society. Many people in our church are pro-life but are not sure how they can make a difference. We provide big and little ways for congregants to get involved – whatever their age and stage of life. Our Chapter has grown since its inception, and we have formed many new friendships. We are very grateful for the encouragement and resources provided by Anglicans For Life. 


AFL Chapter Leader

Still Not Sure How to Get Involved?

Explore Our Interactive Take Action Form

Visit our “Take Action” page to get customized ideas on how you can get involved for life based on your unique interests and how you want to make a difference.

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Sign-up to Receive Our Newsletter

Carpe Diem is the name of AFL’s quarterly newsletter featuring the latest AFL ministry news, AFL product and event updates, Life-Affirming opportunities, national life-centered topics, and educational articles designed to help readers advocate for life in their community, family, and church.