Orphans & Vulnerable Children
God designed children to be loved and nurtured in a family. Sometimes, through no fault of their own, children are removed from their families of origin. When a child is separated from his or her family, it can be temporary or permanent. It can also be very traumatic for the child. Followers of Christ have the opportunity to provide help to children by welcoming them into their homes. Through our Orphans and Vulnerable Children Initiative, Anglicans For Life wants to come alongside you as you explore what God would have you, and your church, do on behalf of children and their families in your community.

“God’s word is clear. He cares about orphans and vulnerable children, and He wants us, His adopted children, to do the same.”
Foster Care
If you believe God is calling you to open your home to children in the foster care system, please contact us. We can share with you about the process of foster care, the goals of the foster care system, and needs in your local community. We can also be a resource for you as you learn more about the various issues related to foster care, including adoption, biological family relationships, trauma, and more.
According to the book of James “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows.” (James 1:27 NIV). It is part of our duty as Christians to protect the fatherless and orphan, and adoption is one of the best ways we can care for and love these children. Additionally, as children of God, we come into God’s family through adoption. Therefore, as we have been adopted into Christ, we must affirm and celebrate adopted children, adoptive parents, and birth parents.
Family Preservation
God designed children to be raised in loving, permanent families. In many cases, families struggle, but with the right intervention and support, are able to remain intact without losing their children to the foster care system. Churches and others can come alongside families to help them provide the safe, loving homes their children need in order to thrive in life.
International Orphan Care
There are many wonderful Christian organizations serving and caring for orphans and vulnerable children all over the world. Many would welcome partnerships with your church on individual projects and/or on an ongoing basis.