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This section features a variety of articles focused on life topics, legislation, bioethics, and God's Word.

The Latest Life-Affirming News

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20 Years of Being Silent No More

I recently received a phone call from a woman who contacted the Silent No More Awareness Campaign to say ‘thank you’ for helping her face the truth of her abortion experience. She had seen two women at a March for Life event carrying the “I Regret My Abortion” signs associated with the Silent No More Awareness Campaign.

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AFL Announces Life SUMMIT 2023

Anglicans For Life (AFL) and ACNA’s Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic invites you and your church to attend Life SUMMIT 2023. This three-day event is focused on the Sanctity of Life. 

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November Events

November Events

November is a busy month as we celebrate Thanksgiving and as many of us begin to plan for Christmas. It is also a month in which many people take the time to learn about the needs of vulnerable children and how we, as Christians, are called to meet those needs. 

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Adoption Study’s Startling Results Reveal an Opportunity for the Church

Adoption Study’s Startling Results Reveal an Opportunity for the Church

One of the frequent criticisms we hear of the Christian pro-life movement is that we care only about babies until they’re born, and then we stop caring. At Anglicans For Life, we believe that ALL life is sacred from conception to natural death. As a result we care deeply for people at all stages of life. People in every stage of life are made in the image of God and are, therefore, worthy of our love. We want every person to have a relationship with Jesus, and to live the abundant life He came to bring – regardless of age or stage.

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