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Why Do We March?
The last warm days of summer and early fall seem an odd time to start thinking of the freezing temperatures in...
Take Action – September 2016 – Memorializing the Unborn
Each month we will offer a list of action ideas so you can defend, honor, and celebrate Life in your churches...
2016 March for Life in Canada
March for Life Canada - May 12th, 2016 - Thank you for standing with us! Thank you to the Bishops, Clergy, and...
What To Do When Scandal Causes a Scandal?
The week before Thanksgiving, the ABC hit television show Scandal brought the topic of abortion into our living rooms....
10 Answers for Anglicans after Planned Parenthood’s Exposure
10 Answers to Help You Make Sense of The Planned Parenthood Videos This was written in reference to a video released...