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Sanctity of Life

Sacred Space

Sacred Space

Originally published by the Human Life Review at By: The Rev. W. Ross Blackburn, Ph.D.  For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made....
Why are Anglicans Pro-Life?

Why are Anglicans Pro-Life?

The Scriptures Teach Us to be Pro-Life By the Rev. Deacon Georgette Forney and Anglican Compass People often say that abortion isn’t mentioned in the Bible. But the command to protect and honor Life is implicit in every word of Scripture. First, we need to understand...
Doing Something For Life

Doing Something For Life

One Anglican Woman Making A Difference Late last summer, an email came in from a woman named, Deb Spellerberg. The email said, “How can I help you? My family attends St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Conway, SC. I recently became a member of Daughters of the King, and I...