by afladmin | Feb 21, 2023 | AFL Publications, Events, Sanctity of Life
In 2023, Anglicans For Life is celebrating our 40th anniversary as a ministry. We are launching “40 for Life,” a year-long campaign that celebrates the life and legacy of Anglicans For Life. We want to show the world what the church can...
by afladmin | Feb 19, 2023 | AFL Publications, Life SUMMIT, Sanctity of Life
On June 25, 2022, I received an email from a man named Brandon LeTourneau. He wrote “I am reaching out to you on behalf of the Seabury Society. We are an Anglican Devotional Society within the Anglican Church in North America. As you know, yesterday on the Nativity of...
by afladmin | Feb 15, 2023 | Abortion, AFL Publications, After Abortion Care, End of Life, Events, Legal Rulings, Life SUMMIT, Sanctity of Life
By: Bishop Eric Vawter Menees, Diocese of San Joaquin Editor’s Note: This is the text of the sermon preached by The Rt. Rev. Eric V. Menees at the Anglican Prayer & Worship Service held Friday morning as part of the Life SUMMIT events prior to the March for Life....
by afladmin | Jan 25, 2023 | Abortion, Bioethics, Events, Life SUMMIT, Sanctity of Life
By: Jeff Walton Originally published on January 20, 2023 at The Episcopal Church and Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) continue to diverge in social policy and theological belief surrounding...
by afladmin | Jan 3, 2023 | Abortion, Bioethics, Emotional Health, Legal Rulings, Sanctity of Life
By: By Julie Grimstad I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the finalword in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger thanevil triumphant.― Martin Luther King Jr. Positive language is often used to put nice faces...
by afladmin | Oct 27, 2022 | Abortion, AFL Publications, Bioethics, End of Life, Sanctity of Life
By: Canon Georgette Forney, AFL President The Great Commandment – Matthew 22:36-39 The Pharisees asked Jesus, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all...