by afladmin | Mar 16, 2023 | Events, Pregnancy
By: Canon Georgette Forney When I started serving as the executive director of Anglicans For Life (AFL) back in 1998, there were approximately 1.3 million abortions occurring annually according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute. I was shocked to realize the rate was so...
by afladmin | Feb 21, 2023 | AFL Publications, Events, Sanctity of Life
In 2023, Anglicans For Life is celebrating our 40th anniversary as a ministry. We are launching “40 for Life,” a year-long campaign that celebrates the life and legacy of Anglicans For Life. We want to show the world what the church can...
by afladmin | Feb 17, 2023 | Abortion, AFL Publications, Events, Legal Rulings, Life SUMMIT
By: Canon Georgette Forney “Welcome everyone to the first ever post-Roe Life SUMMIT!” As I spoke these words at the beginning of this year’s SUMMIT, I was once again overcome with the miracle that happened last June, when 49+ years of legal abortion came to an end in...
by afladmin | Feb 15, 2023 | Abortion, AFL Publications, After Abortion Care, End of Life, Events, Legal Rulings, Life SUMMIT, Sanctity of Life
By: Bishop Eric Vawter Menees, Diocese of San Joaquin Editor’s Note: This is the text of the sermon preached by The Rt. Rev. Eric V. Menees at the Anglican Prayer & Worship Service held Friday morning as part of the Life SUMMIT events prior to the March for Life....
by afladmin | Jan 25, 2023 | Abortion, Bioethics, Events, Life SUMMIT, Sanctity of Life
By: Jeff Walton Originally published on January 20, 2023 at The Episcopal Church and Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) continue to diverge in social policy and theological belief surrounding...
by afladmin | Oct 25, 2022 | Events
Anglicans For Life (AFL) and ACNA’s Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic invites you and your church to attend Life SUMMIT 2023. This three-day event is focused on the Sanctity of Life. As Anglicans, we believe all life is sacred and that it is important to come together...