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The God Who Remembers
But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me. Micah 7:7 This...
Finding Support After Abortion
Editor's note: As co-sponsor of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, Anglicans for Life recognizes the importance of...
The Still-to-Be Fulfilled Promise
John 1:6-8, 19-28 The Scripture readings for the first two Sundays of Advent focused on the importance of being...
God’s Tender Heart for His People.
The liturgy for Advent 2 includes verses 1-11 in Isaiah Chapter 40. It begins with the prophetic word of comfort for...
Adopted by God
Have you noticed the return of more feel-good stories on your social media feeds recently? This past week, there...
Birth Mothers and Fathers Who Choose Adoption Over Abortion
November is National Adoption Awareness Month. Its goal is important: to increase “awareness of the need for permanent...
Hope in the Midst of Sadness: Learning from David in Psalm 13
Hope in the Midst of Sadness originally was posted on Rooted Ministry’s website. Rooted Ministry equips and empowers...
But it’s true: Netflix’s Cuties catastrophe enables sexual abuse
"To say that Cuties enables sexual abuse is to miss the point of the film. This movie brings a rare vision...
Late Term Abortions Only Happen When…
In late summer, we asked our volunteers and social media followers what tools would be helpful to them. The...
What Could You Do?
A couple weeks ago, our blog asked, “What would you do?” if you found yourself on an episode of John Quiñone’s...