The Latest Life-Affirming News
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As Long As It Takes – Youth Ministry
The battle for the hearts of our students is a relentless one. Often, I’m left wondering what it looks like to win the...
The Light in the Darkness
What possessed me to open the seemingly secure, safe, and dark room where I kept my feelings and the identity of our...
Lessons from a Foster Family
It was two in the morning when a little round face popped up from the mattress, looked right and left, and then asked,...
Maybe We Should Stop Shouting About Abortion and Listen Instead
Since 2002, the women of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, which I co-founded, have been speaking publicly about...
Take Action – Pro-Life Marches
“You don’t protest do you?” It’s a question I’ve been asked with varying degrees of derision and disbelief when I’ve...
Human Rights – Abortion, Assisted Suicide, and the Protection of All People
“I know my rights!” This is a line usually delivered by a belligerent, unpleasant character on your dime-a-dozen...
Anglicans in Action – Life Lectionary
Each week AFL posts an Anglicans in Action video, which gives practical suggestions, resources, and ideas for...
Giving to Life – IRA and a Benefit to Growing Older
Have you ever shopped for a birthday card for someone over 40? They tend to be comedic in nature, laughing about the...
Local Pro-Life Marches
I want to participate in the March for Life in Washington DC, but it is too far away for me to travel. Is there a...
Anglicans in Action – Abortion Rates in America
Each week AFL posts an Anglicans in Action video, which gives practical suggestions, resources, and ideas for...