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AFL Announces Life SUMMIT 2023

Anglicans For Life (AFL) and ACNA’s Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic invites you and your church to attend Life SUMMIT 2023. This three-day event is focused on the Sanctity of Life.  As Anglicans, we believe all life is sacred and that it is important to come together...
November Events

November Events

November is a busy month as we celebrate Thanksgiving and as many of us begin to plan for Christmas. It is also a month in which many people take the time to learn about the needs of vulnerable children and how we, as Christians, are called to meet those needs. ...
Why are You So Furious?

Why are You So Furious?

By: Robert Morris Where does the fury shown by so many people in the wake of the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade come from? When they speak, shout, and carry signs, their emotion far exceeds frustration and even exasperation with the pro-life side. ...