by afladmin | Aug 6, 2018 | Abortion
In June of this year, AFL President Georgette Forney traveled to Jerusalem for the 2018 GAFCON assembly. The purpose of the gathering is to retain and restore the Bible to the heart of the Church and to share the unchanging Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ....
by afladmin | Jul 30, 2018 | After Abortion Care
Seeing a new medical provider means you get handed the brown clip board from the receptionist with that tedious multi-page “new patient form.” Some questions are quite detailed and frankly, embarrassing. Others may make us squirm in our seats; e.g., weight, smoking,...
by afladmin | Jul 27, 2018 | q&a
I’m a priest in an Anglican Church. I am counseling a couple in my church that have been struggling with infertility. They are considering different fertility treatments, possibly IVF, and are asking about the moral and ethical implications of such a treatment. How...
by afladmin | Jul 26, 2018 | Abortion, End of Life
Each week AFL posts an Anglicans in Action video, which gives practical suggestions, resources, and ideas for life-ministry. This week’s focus is on international promotion of abortion and euthanasia. You can see all the Anglicans in Action videos on our YouTube...
by afladmin | Jul 23, 2018 | Abortion, Social Justice
Many of us remember reciting the pledge of allegiance in school. I can still recite it by heart. While the “one nation, under God” line has come under fire in recent years, the end statement, “with liberty and justice for all”, seems like the least divisive part of...