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End of Life

Dignity Bestowed by the Maker: Euthanasia in Society

Job 1:21a states, “The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.” This is a definite statement that gives everything to the Lord including both life and death. The Lord has gifted us this life, and He will choose when it is over. The implication here is that we are not the...

A Lesson of Love: The Value of Life at the End

My sweet mother-in-law passed away just over a year ago, early on Easter Sunday of 2018. I have always thought that that must be a wonderful day to go to Heaven. While we know Heaven is a place of constant praise and celebration of God, don’t you think it must be...

Death and Hope

For some time I’ve been reading the book of Hebrews – this past week, I focused just on chapter 11. Seeing the nature of the faith of the OT saints, and what they actually went through as they stood firm in faith, has been breathtaking. They witness (12:1) to lifelong...