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November Events

November Events

November is a busy month as we celebrate Thanksgiving and as many of us begin to plan for Christmas. It is also a month in which many people take the time to learn about the needs of vulnerable children and how we, as Christians, are called to meet those needs. ...
The Church’s Role in Adoption

The Church’s Role in Adoption

By: Johnston Moore, AFL Adoption/Orphan Care Consultant AFL has always recognized the importance of supporting and promoting adoption in the fight to prevent abortion. When a woman faces an unplanned pregnancy and doesn’t want, or believe she’s able to...
Welcome to the Family

Welcome to the Family

Anglicans For Life is dedicated to protecting life at all stages. As God’s adopted children, we know He wants us to adopt orphans and vulnerable children as our own in an effort to support and continue His loving outreach.  Recently, AFL announced the Anglican...