Canon G: AFL Topics
Often when I talk to people about Anglicans For Life, I list the five main topics we address; Abortion, Abstinence, Adoption, Euthanasia, and Bioethical Research. Recently, in the midst of telling a group of people the five topics that AFL covers, I realized sharing the five subjects doesn’t capture the breadth and depth of the many issues we teach, preach and counsel on! 

By: Canon Georgette Forney

Often when I talk to people about Anglicans For Life, I list the five main topics we address; Abortion, Abstinence, Adoption, Euthanasia, and Bioethical Research. Recently, in the midst of telling a group of people the five topics that AFL covers, I realized sharing the five subjects doesn’t capture the breadth and depth of the many issues we teach, preach and counsel on! 

When I got back to the office, I wrote down all the topics and sub-topics Anglicans For Life actually has expertise and knowledge to address. 


  • Fetal Development 
  • Abortion & Women 
  • Abortion Aftercare (women, men, siblings, grandparents) 
  • Breast Cancer & Abortion 
  • Down Syndrome & Abortion 
  • Partial Birth Abortion 
  • Rape & Abortion 
  • Chemical abortion pills 
  • Abortion Pill Reversal 


  • Adoptive Parents 
  • Birth Parents 
  • Family Preservation 
  • International 
  • Snowflake Adoptions 
  • Special Needs Adoption 
  • Orphan care/Foster care ministry 

Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (aka Abstinence) 

  • Sexual Brokenness 
  • Contraception 
  • Sexually Transmitted Disease 
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections 
  • Morning After Pill/Plan B Contraception 
  • Teen Pregnancy 

End of Life Issues 

  • Assisted Suicide 
  • Euthanasia 
  • Hastening Death 
  • Futile Care Theory 
  • Organ Donation 
  • Terminal Sedation 
  • Advance Care Planning 
  • Advance Directives 
  • Ventilators 
  • Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Orders 


  • Cloning 
  • Stem Cell Research 
  • Baby Body Part Harvesting/Research 
  • Chimera Genetic Research 


  • Assisted Reproductive Technology 
  • Miscarriage & Stillbirth 
  • Adverse Pre-Natal Diagnosis 
  • Infertility 

Other Topics 

  • Planned Parenthood 
  • Sanctity of Life 
  • Capital Punishment 
  • Pregnancy Resource Centers 
  • Vaccinations 
  • Disabilities 

Editor’s Note  View the list of topics above as an animated video at

Have any of these topics personally touched you, your family, or your friends? If so, how can Anglicans For Life help, counsel, or educate you? 

While AFL’s mission is to eradicate abortion and euthanasia through ministry, education, pastoral care, and advocacy, our vision is to inspire every believer in every church to do one thing every day to protect life. 

As you look at this list of actual topics we cover, can you see that the vast array of issues addressed by AFL provides you with a broader choice of ministry opportunities, educational options, pastoral care needs and areas that need biblical advocacy? 

I hope that as you review this list covered by AFL, one or two subjects will stand out to you. Is the Lord calling you to learn more about one these issues so you can be prepared for ministry? Or maybe God will open the door for you to educate others about it. Is there a topic in the list that you have identified in Scripture that you could address and/or share with students or your grandchildren? 

As believers, all of us have a role in protecting, celebrating, and honoring life! We pray that this list will inspire you to contact AFL about our resources for the topic. 

We are here to serve you for life! 

For His glory, 

Canon Georgette

PS: I would like to introduce the newest member of the Forney Family and AFL’s first mascot! Daisy is a toy poodle born January 9, she often accompanies me to the office and has been seen on many Zoom calls as she is a snuggly puppy who loves sleeping on my lap. 

Words Matter in Advocating

Words Matter in Advocating

Words matter. This article reminds us of the importance of words. When we use the
wrong words to describe a despicable action, people can be fooled into thinking
they support something good, when in reality if you support “reproductive
freedom” and “reproductive rights,” you are supporting the dismemberment
or poisoning of an unborn baby in the safety of the womb.

read more