The Latest Life-Affirming News
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Why are You So Furious?
Where does the fury shown by so many people in the wake of the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade come from? When they speak, shout, and carry signs, their emotion far exceeds frustration and even exasperation with the pro-life side. In fact, their fury seems to spring from a deep pit of pain and hate.

Working on a Fall Sermon Series or an Adult Education Program?
As we seek to live into a post-Roe culture, the Church will need to address caring for pregnant women in a variety of ways – discussing adoption is one key way.

Sacred Space
The Bible constantly uses the things of this world to instruct us.

Why are Anglicans Pro-Life?
The Scriptures Teach Us to be Pro-Life By the Rev. Deacon Georgette Forney and Anglican Compass People often say that...

SCOTUS Decision is a Step in the Right Direction
broke free of their long-standing abortion industry support. Friday, the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision officially overturned the tragic Roe v. Wade case from 1973 that made abortion legal all nine months of pregnancy.

Doing Something For Life
One Anglican Woman Making A Difference Late last summer, an email came in from a woman named, Deb Spellerberg. The...

Safeguarding Loved Ones in Nursing Homes
saddened by how few of the other residents had any visitors, even family members. I have even heard relatives say they would just prefer to remember their relative “the way they were”.

Just Announced: AFL Christmas Card Design Contest
Anglicans For Life is pleased to announce an exciting opportunity for students of all ages to do something for life! This year, our annual Christmas card design will be the original work of an Anglican artist.

The Impact of a Leak
that the Justices would ever overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion all nine months of pregnancy. I always felt it would end when people woke-up to the fact that abortion is an inhumane act that kills babies and inflicts pain on mothersand their families, thereby making it unthinkable and unnecessary.

What to Do Post Roe?
When I accepted my position with Anglicans For Life, someone joked that the goal of my job, ending abortion, would lead to me being unemployed. I remember replying how happy I would be to lose my job if it meant babies would be protected from abortion!