The Latest Life-Affirming News
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New Data Show a Large Decline In Abortions Post-Dobbs
Yesterday, the #WeCount project of the Society of Family Planning released new data on the number of abortions that have been performed in the United States since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision.
Mother’s Day is the Perfect Time for Clergy and Pastors to Share a Message of Hope and Healing for those Wounded by Abortion
We asked a number of religious leaders over the years if they would consider addressing the topic of abortion loss and healing as part of their Mother’s Day message. The typical response; “I don’t think this is the right time to address this sensitive topic with my congregation.”
Why Has Killing Babies Become So Important?
A recent headline, “Democrats Introduce Bill to Legalize Abortions Up to Birth Nationwide,” caught my attention and made me ask, “Why has killing babies become so important?”
You’re Invited to the World’s Largest Baby Shower!
When I started serving as the executive director of Anglicans For Life (AFL) back in 1998, there were approximately 1.3 million abortions occurring annually according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute. I was shocked to realize the rate was so high, and I recall multiple conversations and speeches when I would ask the question; “If we don’t want women to have abortions, are we, as the Church, prepared to support 1.3 million pregnant women?
Adoption: What to Say Instead
You may have heard people say a variety of phrases when discussing the topics of adoption, children who were adopted, and their parents. Learn what to say, what not to say, and why the difference is important with this table.
Show the World What the Church Can Do For Life
In 2023, Anglicans For Life is celebrating our 40th anniversary as a ministry. We are launching "40 for...
Icon Dedication
On June 25, 2022, I received an email from a man named Brandon LeTourneau. He wrote “I am reaching out to you on...
The First Ever Post-Roe SUMMIT
By: Canon Georgette Forney “Welcome everyone to the first ever post-Roe Life SUMMIT!” As I spoke these words at the...
The Least of These
By: Bishop Eric Vawter Menees, Diocese of San Joaquin Editor’s Note: This is the text of the sermon preached by The...
Fifty Years Post-Roe, Anglicans and Episcopalians Diverge on Abortion
The Episcopal Church and Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) continue to diverge in social policy and theological belief surrounding bodily autonomy and the sanctity of human life.