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When There are No Good Answers – Are There “Exceptions” to Abortion?
Late last week we heard about a tragic story in Alabama. The Alabama Court of Civil appeals ruled that an unnamed...
Sunday August 6, 2017 – Transfiguration Sunday
Now about eight days after these sayings he took with him Peter and John and James and went up on the mountain to...
The Blessing of Human Life – The Story of a Birth Doula
I am a birth doula. In anticipation of the many people saying, “Uh…What’s that?” let me explain. According to DONA...
Sunday July 30th, 2017 – Eighth Sunday After Pentecost
Then the king answered and said, “Give the living child to the first woman, and by no means put him to death; she is...
Action Ideas for Life – Bioethics
Each month we will offer a list of action ideas so you can defend, honor, and celebrate Life in your churches and...
Sunday July 23rd, 2017 – Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and...
Getting to Know the Anglicans – A Newbie’s Reflections of the 2017 Assembly
After growing up in an environment where I heard the name of Jesus, attended church occasionally, and even claimed to...
Sunday, July 16th, 2017 – Sixth Sunday After Pentecost
Brothers and sisters, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh-- for if you live according to...
Fr. James & the Power of Prayer – Inspiring Stories of Life Ministry
How did you get started in this ministry? I began actively advocating for the unborn in the summer of 2015 when the...
Abortion and Rape
I was talking to a friend of mine, who also is pro-life. While she is opposed to abortion, she said that abortion in...