The Latest Life-Affirming News
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What Sidewalk Counseling Showed Me About the Abortion “Debate”
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic...
Take Action – Loving Life in the Time of Coronavirus
Each month we will offer a list of action ideas so you can defend, honor, and celebrate Life in your churches and...
Bookends of Life
Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt of the sermon given by Bishop Charles Masters at the AFL Prayer & Worship...
Sexual Assault Awareness: Reality & Prevention
With Sexual Assault so much in the news (and next month being Sexual Assault Awareness Month!), it can only benefit...
Testifying to the Truth: Congressional Hearing, Women’s Health, & Abortion
I was looking forward to quietly settling back into a normal schedule after the January events and catching up with...
Take Action – Making Homes Fall-Proof
Each month we will offer a list of action ideas so you can defend, honor, and celebrate Life in your churches and...
What I Want Teenage Girls To Know After The Superbowl Halftime Show
If you’re anything like me, watching the Superbowl and halftime show is a “social” gathering. I’m not super into...
How a Church Bulletin Changed My Life
After the national marches in January, people in the Church tend to be invigorated for Life. They often ask us, “What...
Keep Knocking, Keep Praying – A Message for the Church after the March for Life
Fifty-seven million babies killed because of abortion. Fifty-seven million babies killed because of abortion in the...
Take Action – Prayer
Each month we will offer a list of action ideas so you can defend, honor, and celebrate Life in your churches and...