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Take Action – Mother’s and Father’s Day

Each month we will offer a list of action ideas so you can defend, honor, and celebrate Life in your churches and communities on our Take Action page. This month, we are looking at Mother’s and Father’s Day. It’s that time of year, isn’t it?  Grocery...

We Stand as God’s Image Bearers

You can tell a great deal about a culture by its art. The cre­ations that reveal its thoughts, its angst, its joys, its pains. We see this in our movies. Recently, I had a great movie critic attend a movie with me. She’s my 17-year-old daughter. And we went to see...

Taking on Life Issues and Grandchildren

One of the greatest things about having children is that one day they give you grandchildren. My husband and I discuss this concept frequently with our friends who have grandchildren, and we tell our friends without grandchildren this truism, albeit with a certain...