by afladmin | Nov 30, 2020 | Abortion, Emotional Health, End of Life, Pregnancy, Uncategorized
The liturgy for Advent 2 includes verses 1-11 in Isaiah Chapter 40. It begins with the prophetic word of comfort for God’s people. There is a glimpse here of God’s tender heart and compassionate care for people. Isaiah writes that “He will feed his...
by afladmin | Nov 23, 2020 | Abortion, Adoption, After Abortion Care
Have you noticed the return of more feel-good stories on your social media feeds recently? This past week, there were two posts in particular that caught my eye and brought me to tears. Both were about adoption, which makes sense, since November is National...
by afladmin | Nov 17, 2020 | Abortion, Adoption, Emotional Health
November is National Adoption Awareness Month. Its goal is important: to increase “awareness of the need for permanent families for children and youth in the U.S. foster care system.” But have you ever considered the perspective of birth mothers and fathers who choose...
by afladmin | Nov 10, 2020 | Emotional Health, End of Life, Suffering
Hope in the Midst of Sadness originally was posted on Rooted Ministry’s website. Rooted Ministry equips and empowers churches and parents to faithfully disciple students toward life-long faith in Jesus Christ. Have you ever felt like God was distant and yet not? In...
by afladmin | Nov 2, 2020 | Abstinence, Social Justice, Uncategorized
“To say that Cuties enables sexual abuse is to miss the point of the film. This movie brings a rare vision of girlhood to light and posits that sexual exploration—in all its discomfort and modern complexities—is actually okay, even normal.” Article...