Why Life Leadership Matters

Why Life Leadership Matters pinWe keep ourselves very busy at the Anglicans for Life office—contacting churches, researching and writing articles to inform our readers, updating educational curriculums and other informational materials, working with people harmed by abortions, and organizing events and talks.  And we know a lot about the life issues

AFL flame

Why Life Leadership Matters pinWe keep ourselves very busy at the Anglicans for Life office—contacting churches, researching and writing articles to inform our readers, updating educational curriculums and other informational materials, working with people harmed by abortions, and organizing events and talks.  And we know a lot about the life issues threatening our culture today, from abortion to embryonic stem cell research to assisted suicide.

But we cannot always know and act on everything—we do not always know about the young woman contemplating having an abortion in Albany, NY, the couple silently grieving and suffering from their shared abortion experience in Tulsa, OK, or the elderly man feeling depressed and considering assisted suicide in San Diego, CA.  It’s just not possible.

But with the help of Life Leaders in churches nationwide and globally, we as God’s people can honor and protect the unborn and the vulnerable in every city, town, and neighborhood!

Why is local outreach needed?

God’s church is called to be a light in the world, a light to display the love and truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in every aspect of life. We live in a world that does not value life but instead values darkness and death, targeting the most vulnerable among us: the pregnant woman, the unborn child, the disabled adult, the sick grandparent. There are men, women, and children in our pews, in our families, in our neighborhoods whose lives have been touched by death and darkness, living with the pain and hurt from abortion, abuse, long-term illnesses, and violence.

As followers of Jesus Christ, Anglicans for Life believes we are called to reach out and minister to the lost, the needy, the sick, and suffering – those living in the darkness. <em>“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” </em> (Ephesians 2:10). Anglicans for Life sees the need to be an advocate for life in our culture and we want to equip you to do the same in your church, community, region, diocese, province, convocation, or seminary.

What is the purpose of Life Leadership?

The purpose of Life Leadership is to bring the Anglican Commune and the wider body of Christ, who value the authority of Scripture, the sanctity of life, and the sacredness of the family, into an organized fellowship that will advocate for life within the local church body and provide the much needed life-affirming ministry in the local community.  Organizing people at the parish or diocesan (grassroots) level is very important to the mission of Anglicans for Life. The AFL Life Leaders and Chapter Leaders (otherwise known collectively as Life Leaders) are the local ambassadors for Anglicans for Life working to uphold the sanctity of life within a specific church and community.

While our office can provide resources, information, connections to helpful people or organizations, and a sense of authority and community, Life Leaders use their discernment, knowledge of their individual talents and abilities as well as their church’s strengths, and passion for Life to direct their ministries in protecting the unborn and vulnerable.  Life Leaders are the hands and feet of Christ as they seek to protect His gift of Life.

I Want to Learn More About Life Leadership.  What Should I Do?

We would love to tell you more about Life Leadership opportunities in your church and community.  To learn more about Life Leaders and Chapter Leaders, please visit our Life Leader’s page.  You can also contact us directly to learn more or email us at [email protected].

We want the Church to be a united as one voice for the cause of Life, but in order to do this the Church must also be acting for Life.  Will you join with us?


Written By AFL Administrator Robin Ferguson


Words Matter in Advocating

Words Matter in Advocating

Words matter. This article reminds us of the importance of words. When we use the
wrong words to describe a despicable action, people can be fooled into thinking
they support something good, when in reality if you support “reproductive
freedom” and “reproductive rights,” you are supporting the dismemberment
or poisoning of an unborn baby in the safety of the womb.

read more