
What You Should Know About The Birth Control Pill

As I’ve gotten older, I have realized the importance of understanding why my body does certain things at certain times of the month. And as I’ve studied and researched, I’ve become more and more aware of how much education was withheld from me about not only what my...

Sexual Assault Awareness: Reality & Prevention

With Sexual Assault so much in the news (and next month being Sexual Assault Awareness Month!), it can only benefit students to be aware of the growing crisis, especially on college campuses, and how to prevent it happening to them.  It can have lasting...

Take Action- Millennials as a Pro-Life Generation

Each month we will offer a list of action ideas so you can defend, honor, and celebrate Life in your churches and communities on our Take Action page. This month, we are looking at raising up Millennials to be a pro-life generation. Millennials are easy targets,...

Raising a Teen Requires Listening Well

If you are the parent of a teen, you likely are living through an encore season of teaching your child to use his or her words. This development stage can be more exhausting than it was in the toddler years. Instruction in the basics was so much easier: Say “Mama.”...