
Bookends of Life

Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt of the sermon given by Bishop Charles Masters at the AFL Prayer & Worship Service that took place at The Falls Church Anglican on Friday, January 24th, prior to the March for Life in Washington, DC. You can watch the recording of...

Raising a Teen Requires Listening Well

If you are the parent of a teen, you likely are living through an encore season of teaching your child to use his or her words. This development stage can be more exhausting than it was in the toddler years. Instruction in the basics was so much easier: Say “Mama.”...

Obedience: Truth Talk

What rises up in you when you hear the word obedience? Is it fear? Contempt? Refusal? Rebellion? Indifference? Trust? Perhaps you flash back to a childhood memory. Or maybe you begin to wrestle with an unhealed and unresolved trauma that resulted from something you...