
Action Ideas for Life – Sanctity of Life Sunday

Each month we will offer a list of action ideas so you can defend, honor, and celebrate Life in your churches and communities on our Take Action page. This month, we are looking at Sanctity of Life Sunday. January 21st, 2018 will mark Sanctity of Life Sunday, a Sunday...

Equally Human: Sock It to Planned Parenthood Rally

The above picture was taken beside Senator Bob Casey’s Office in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I had the opportunity to attend the #Sockit2PP rally with Anglican’s For Life’s President Georgette Forney, after she was asked by Student’s for Life of America (SFLA) to share...

Prayer – The Bedrock of Life Ministry

“Abortion is such a big issue.  What can I do to really make a difference?”  “I do think Life is sacred, but with our culture the way it is, what can be done?” These are questions we have heard and answered many times, and we do our best to encourage, support, and...