by afladmin | Sep 30, 2019 | Abortion
The abortion lobby continues to be extreme in pushing for unlimited access to abortion, with no true regard for women’s mental or physical well-being. This is evident in the World Health Organizations new guidelines regarding how women can self-manage abortions in...
by afladmin | Aug 5, 2019 | End of Life
Job 1:21a states, “The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.” This is a definite statement that gives everything to the Lord including both life and death. The Lord has gifted us this life, and He will choose when it is over. The implication here is that we are not the...
by afladmin | Jun 24, 2019 | Abortion
Every day we are inundated with news concerning the unborn (and even partially born). Are they human? Do they have a right to life? As these questions surface again and again, activists from both sides of the argument come out in full force. Many notable politicians...