Anglicans For Life (AFL) is the only Life-Affirming ministry in the Anglican Communion. AFL educates and provides pastoral resources on the issues of abortion, assisted suicide, adoption, sexual risk avoidance, and bioethics. AFL is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that relies on the generosity of donors. All donations are tax-deductible.

Relevant & Newsworthy
We’ve researched and found the most relevant and worthy articles to educate and equip you in affirming and protecting life. We encourage you to share these stories and updates on social media. Make sure you bookmark this page and come back weekly for updated news. To read past articles, click here.
Ministry Impact
Through the grace of God, since December 2024 our ministry has grown to see…
Resources distributed internationally
Partnering churches
Anglican Churches Accept the Declaration of Life Statement
Podcast plays
Get Involved
Getting involved with AFL’s Life-Affirming ministry can be a multi-faceted approach. Some people wish to get-involved from an individualistic approach, while others want to be in the heat of advocacy and church planning. That’s why we’ve made it easy for you to navigate the various ways to get involved through our leadership opportunities, resources, events, and blog.
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Leadership Opportunities
AFL Blogs

Your Church is Invited to Participate in the World’s Largest Baby Shower
April showers bring May flowers, and baby showers! Anglicans For Life is hosting the second annual World’s Largest Baby Shower (WLBS) this April-June. Get your church ready to participate!
The First Ever Post-Roe SUMMIT
By: Canon Georgette Forney “Welcome everyone to...
The Least of These
By: Bishop Eric Vawter Menees, Diocese of San...
Fifty Years Post-Roe, Anglicans and Episcopalians Diverge on Abortion
By: Jeff Walton Originally published on January...