Understanding the
Sanctity of Life
The phrase “the Sanctity of Life” refers to the truth that human life is sacred, holy, precious, and created in the image of God. Many people will also say “life is sacred,” both phrases mean the same thing and challenge us to protect life from the everyday choices, actions, and culture that threaten life at all stages and ages.

“God, and not man, is the creator of human life from conception to natural death.”
What is Sanctity of Life Sunday?
After abortion was legalized in 1973, many Christians began to observe the inherent value of life endowed to us by God during their religious services one Sunday a year. Sanctity of Life Sunday is usually the Sunday closest to January 22, the day the Supreme Court handed down the Roe v. Wade decision that made abortion legal all nine months of pregnancy, but it can be observed any time in the liturgical calendar.
Why Should I Observe Sanctity of Life Sunday?
With the growing acceptance of the destruction of human life at every stage of development through abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and bioethical choices, it is imperative for God’s people to uphold and teach what the Bible says about life. “God, and not man, is the creator of human life from conception to natural death.” Therefore, the Church must protect and respect life by educating its members about the sanctity of every human life. Christians of all traditions can join in remembering the unborn and celebrating human life at all stages in life’s journey.
Order Sanctity of Life Sunday Bulletin Inserts Today!
Your prayers for families navigating the adoption process are critical to all of God’s children finding homes. If you feel called to do more, consider giving to the Anglican Adoption Fund. This fund provides grants to families who wish to adopt a child but could benefit from financial assistance.