by afladmin | Aug 8, 2017 | AFL Publications
I speak the truth in Christ—I am not lying, my conscience confirms it through the Holy Spirit—I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race, the...
by afladmin | Aug 1, 2017 | AFL Publications
Now about eight days after these sayings he took with him Peter and John and James and went up on the mountain to pray. And as he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became dazzling white. And behold, two men were talking with him,...
by afladmin | Jul 26, 2017 | Abortion, AFL Publications
Then the king answered and said, “Give the living child to the first woman, and by no means put him to death; she is his mother.” And all Israel heard of the judgment that the king had rendered, and they stood in awe of the king, because they perceived that the wisdom...
by afladmin | Jul 18, 2017 | Abortion, AFL Publications
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately...
by afladmin | Jul 12, 2017 | Adoption, AFL Publications
Brothers and sisters, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh– for if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are...
by afladmin | Jul 7, 2017 | Abortion, AFL Publications
How did you get started in this ministry? I began actively advocating for the unborn in the summer of 2015 when the undercover videos from David Daleiden made their rounds on social media. For me, it was about the abortion victims. My wife was in the early stages of...