by afladmin | Jun 7, 2018 | End of Life
When we hear discussions about the sanctity of life, it’s natural to begin by thinking about the abortion epidemic, unplanned pregnancies, and preborn babies. Often, we forget that caring for the vulnerable among us includes caring for those entering the later stages...
by afladmin | Jun 5, 2018 | Abstinence
I have been leading student ministry for five years now. Freshman year of college, a friend invited me to attend a weekly youth group in our community to see if I would be interested in volunteering. To be completely honest, I never thought that I’d stick with it; I...
by afladmin | May 31, 2018 | AFL Publications
It’s June – which means Summer is almost officially here! For the Anglicans for Life office in Pittsburgh, summer means a few things: it gives us time to prepare and begin projects that we pray will give life ministry a new, fresh momentum in the fall and personally,...
by afladmin | May 29, 2018 | End of Life
I have always seen this particular idiom as a sarcastic way of expressing disdain for something. “Sitting through dinner with her is a fate worse than death.” But as Anglicans for Life addresses end-of-life issues, this idiom caused me to really consider—what is a...
by afladmin | May 24, 2018 | Abortion
One of the biggest lies that our pro-abortion society tells women is that Planned Parenthood is the best, most credible option for them to receive medical care. It’s even more of a falsehood that this abortion giant cares about women; Planned Parenthood is a business...