by afladmin | Jan 29, 2019 | Abstinence
Hey guys, if you haven’t met me yet – I’m Sammie Franks. I serve as the Coordinator of Ministry Outreach here at Anglicans for Life and am the creator of Abundant Life: You Were Made for More. Today, I wanted to take some time and dive into what AFL’s New Youth...
by afladmin | Jan 28, 2019 | Abortion, After Abortion Care
I’m rarely speechless, but I must admit the news of the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) being passed and instantly signed by Governor Cuomo in New York left me without words. But I was apparently among the few who couldn’t find the words to express my dismay, as I woke...
by afladmin | Jan 21, 2019 | Abstinence
The battle for the hearts of our students is a relentless one. Often, I’m left wondering what it looks like to win the battle for their hearts amidst a culture where I see so many losses – rising depression and anxiety rates, rising suicide attempts and successes,...
by afladmin | Jan 15, 2019 | After Abortion Care
What possessed me to open the seemingly secure, safe, and dark room where I kept my feelings and the identity of our son who I aborted in 1974? In the past whenever I tried to take a light into that room it made me agitated and angry. There was love in that room mixed...
by afladmin | Jan 7, 2019 | Adoption
It was two in the morning when a little round face popped up from the mattress, looked right and left, and then asked, “Umma?” He was ten months old and had already mastered the intonation of a question. It was two in the morning when I patted my little son on the...