[Leetsdale, PA] – Anglicans For Life is excited to announce we will be hosting the second annual “World’s Largest Baby Shower.” Last year, during our ministry’s 40th anniversary campaign, AFL launched the “World’s Largest Baby Shower.”  

This event is a partnership between AFL and churches nationwide with the goal of supporting local women facing unplanned, crisis, and new pregnancies. Each individual church is responsible for organizing a baby shower, choosing a deadline for donations to be accepted from, selecting a family or pregnancy center the donations will benefit, and advertising the shower throughout their church.  

Last year’s baby shower included the participation of 38 churches, across 27 states. 26,589 diapers were collected, 2,929 articles of clothing, and $9,705 in cash and giftcards were raised. This year, our goal is to have a total of 100 churches participate so that we can support more women and families in YOUR community.  

Participating in this amazing event is a testament to your church’s dedication to the Sanctity of Life. In the past, some churches hosted a baby shower event with party favors, food, and games, while other churches set up a playpen in a communal area in their church for donation drop-offs. There is no “correct” way to participate and no affiliation with our ministry is required. We simply want to show the world what the church can do for life. The Baby Shower’s impact reaches farther than the pregnancy center or women receiving the donations. Parishioners and the church community reported a sense of fulfillment and newfound connection among their fellow congregants after participating.

AFL requests that the leader or leaders organizing your church’s Baby Shower reach out to our team at [email protected] to let our team know you and your church are participating so that we can pray for the success of your shower and help you promote it. Then, take pictures of the donations and volunteers during the donation drive. Please note, you MUST send an inventory of items donated to our team at [email protected] with photos. We kindly ask that you do not send the weight of the items, but the number of specific items collected. 

For more information, to download ready-made promotional materials, and to view last year’s recap video, visit AnglicansForLife.org/baby-shower 


Anglicans For Life is the only Life-Affirming ministry in the Anglican Communion. AFL educates and provides pastoral resources on the issues of abortion, assisted suicide, adoption, sexual risk avoidance, and bioethics. 

Words Matter in Advocating

Words Matter in Advocating

Words matter. This article reminds us of the importance of words. When we use the
wrong words to describe a despicable action, people can be fooled into thinking
they support something good, when in reality if you support “reproductive
freedom” and “reproductive rights,” you are supporting the dismemberment
or poisoning of an unborn baby in the safety of the womb.

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