The Remains of Our Bad Choices

Whenever I have to make a major decision, I always try and think through all the possible consequences that could occur related to my choice. If I choose A, then the following will happen. But by choosing B, there could be other consequences.

I think I do this because, when I made the decision to abort my child, I did

Whenever I have to make a major decision, I always try and think through all the possible consequences that could occur related to my choice. If I choose A, then the following will happen. But by choosing B, there could be other consequences.

I think I do this because, when I made the decision to abort my child, I did not consider anything other than finding the quickest, easiest solution to make me NOT pregnant. I did not stop to consider how my decision would impact my life beyond making my problem pregnancy go away.

The Remains of Our Bad ChoicesI often think about the seven men in black robes at the Supreme Court in Washington DC who were responsible for legalizing abortion back in 1973 and whether they became more aware of the consequences of their ruling afterwards. Did they ever consider all the ways their decision would impact lives?

Sadly, it seems they ignored all the ancillary issues that are by-products of abortion, such as how it impacts the woman having the procedure, the father of the dead child, the sibling who is denied family or the doctor who kills innocent babies for a living. Did they consider the social and economic void left by the dead child, and what to do with all the dead babies?

Specifically, what do you do with the remains of 1.1 million aborted babies annually? It is especially awful to contemplate the disposition of aborted babies, as images from last year’s Daliedan/Planned Parenthood videos seared images of baby pieces in pie plates into our minds and hearts.

Obviously, this is an incredibly gruesome thing to think about, but shouldn’t the Justices have addressed the issue of how ‘products of conception’ [read the fetus] should be handled?

A new report, Fetal Disposition: The Abuses and the Law by Charlotte Lozier Institute associate scholar Kristi Burton Brown, J.D., details current methods used by abortion clinics to dispose of our dead children. While some clinics grind the baby’s body parts in their disposal and flush them through their plumbing out to public sewer systems, others freeze them, sell them, or simply dump them in landfills as medical waste.

I hate thinking about what happened to my baby’s body after my abortion, but even worse is to think of how it must grieve God to see our society’s blatant disregard for the sacredness of life. We take the gift of life, kill it, and then toss it away, ignorant and oblivious to the value that every precious life has in God’s eyes. Plans and purposes get ground up right along with bones and hearts.

As parents, the reality of disposing of our children is a terrible reminder of what our abortion really did – ended the life of our child. Hopefully, it will also be the door to begin grieving, healing, and reconciling with God.

Culturally, could the gruesome consequences of having to dispose of millions of dead baby bodies help raise awareness and disdain for abortion? I pray that as some state legislators seek to enact laws that will provide for dignified burial or cremation of the remains of the aborted children, our society and, specifically, the nine Justices at the Supreme Court will understand the consequences of their decisions before more lives are considered disposable.

by Deacon Georgette Forney, President, Anglicans for Life





Words Matter in Advocating

Words Matter in Advocating

Words matter. This article reminds us of the importance of words. When we use the
wrong words to describe a despicable action, people can be fooled into thinking
they support something good, when in reality if you support “reproductive
freedom” and “reproductive rights,” you are supporting the dismemberment
or poisoning of an unborn baby in the safety of the womb.

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