By Meesh Vits, Director of Children’s Ministry

I believe every child – regardless of circumstances – has equal and irrevocable worth. There’s no such thing as unwanted, and shifting the culture from believing this is going to take radical and intentional steps from parents and communities about how we teach children about the value of life, from a very young age. 

When I say “sanctity of life”, you may automatically think about a political point of view. I want to note something before we move forward: While that way of thinking may be true for some people, I believe that sanctity of life is so much more than that. 

We see how God values life all over the Bible. In every book, we’re reading about altruism, education, activism, and radical hospitality. Those things are transferable beyond a political or religious viewpoint. In fact, raising children who value life can be independent from any particular faith orientation, allowing our children to impact the church community & wider culture.

Teach your children about the sanctity of their lives. By doing that, by talking openly about the identity that God has given them, it’s only natural that this will shape their view of others. 


What can you do?

Here is a small list of ways to practically teach, through intentionality and action, the values of pro-life to our children:

  • When reading the Bible, focus on the person of Jesus. He came to us and for us, and He is with us today. Why? Because God has placed irrevocable value on our lives, value that cannot be taken away. Through the stories in the Bible, we see God’s rescue plan unfold- a plan to reconcile us to the Father through the precious blood of Jesus. 
  • Read scripture verses with your children about the value God places on human life. 
  • Talk to kids about pregnancy! Almost every family has a friend who is expecting a baby or has a baby in their home. Explain how pregnancy works, how babies develop, etc. Speak about these things in such a way that kids come to learn about their holiness and sacredness.
  • If you know someone who is facing an unexpected pregnancy, invite them into your home and offer your time, attention, wisdom, kindness, acceptance, and love.
  • Adopt a child (if you can and you feel like that is what God is calling you to!).
  • As a family, spend time with families who have adopted or fostered children and get to know the heart behind why they do it.
  • Babysit for families who have adopted/foster children to give the parents a date night.
  • Make meals for families who have adopted/foster – make and deliver meals with your children and include them!
  • Babysit for a family who has a child with disabilities.
  • Become a host home for Safe Families for Children.
  • Provide a safe place or safe space to your child’s friends who might have a difficult and challenging home life. Mentorship can move mountains!
  • Open your home to your children’s friends or teammates. Be involved in the lives of your children and get to know their friends.

Teaching our children to be genuinely pro-life requires intentional and often-times, inconvenient actions. As with all things, it is imperative to look at the example Jesus gave us while here on Earth. I mean, talk about someone who was pro-life. Christ served others relentlessly, and ultimately, He willingly surrendered his life so we could have eternal life. He gave up Heaven’s comforts to sacrifice everything for us – those formed in His image.

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Michelle “Meesh” Vits

Michelle “Meesh” Vits

Michelle “Meesh” Vits loves serving the families at St. Stephen’s Church in Sewickley, PA, and deeply cherishes worshiping and learning alongside children. She joined the staff in 2017 after graduating from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She has since completed a Children’s Ministry certification through Bethel Seminary, but really values her undergrad Criminology degree, as it’s also prepared her well! Michelle is married to her husband, Caleb, and the two have a precious baby girl named Emmanuella. In her spare time, she loves teaching the Enneagram, playing board games, listening to true crime podcasts, and snuggling babies.

Words Matter in Advocating

Words Matter in Advocating

Words matter. This article reminds us of the importance of words. When we use the
wrong words to describe a despicable action, people can be fooled into thinking
they support something good, when in reality if you support “reproductive
freedom” and “reproductive rights,” you are supporting the dismemberment
or poisoning of an unborn baby in the safety of the womb.

read more