Each month we will offer a list of action ideas so you can defend, honor, and celebrate Life in your churches and communities on our Take Action page. This month, we are looking at raising up Millennials to be a pro-life generation.

Millennials are easy targets, aren’t they?  Whether you are a Millennial, are raising a Millennial, or have a grandchild who is a Millennial, you’ve heard the jokes.  Millennials are often described as immature, shallow, and social media obsessed and are characterized as lazy navel gazers who eat a lot of avocado toast.  They also often seem to be the cause of all our society’s misfortunes.  The point of this is not to discredit or reinforce these labels; I suspect that, as with most stereotypes, there is a lot of fact and fiction in these depictions.  However, there is one thing that Millennials are absolutely not responsible for—legalized abortion.  They have inherited a world that sees the unborn as a disposal commodity, ignores the emotional, physical, and spiritual anguish caused by abortion, and is increasingly pressing for more liberal and widespread killing in the womb. 

And what part in all of this does this young, impressionable, and outspoken group play?  A somewhat surprising one.  In contrast to all expectations, adults between the ages of 18-34 are more likely to oppose abortion, or at least seek limits on abortion, than previous generations at that same age.  Perhaps it’s due to a general increase in awareness about social justice issues.  Perhaps it’s because the improvement in ultrasound technology has brought home the truth that a baby in the womb is indeed a baby.  But this openness and willingness to oppose abortion is a challenge to an older generation—if we want Millennials and generations to come to affirm the sanctity of life, it’s up to us.  We have a responsibility to prepare younger generations to engage in the struggle for Life that many of us have been fighting for decades.  So, can we put down our labels and stereotypes, our prejudices and pride, and reach out as a life-affirming people to teens and young adults, who desperately need to know the promises God has in store for those who are faithful to His Word? 

Speak with youth leaders in your church and make sure that they are addressing abortion and life issues with their youth groups.  Organize age-appropriate events to engage teens and young adults.  Teach them to challenge the cultural abortion agenda.  Because, even if they aren’t responsible for the legalization of abortion, we hope and pray they will be the generation to end it.

Action Ideas

  1. Work with youth leaders to incorporate life issues during youth group gatherings or events.
  2. Bring teens from your church to AFL’s ySummit 2020 event in Falls Church, VA on Jan 23rd.
  3. Organize a group of teens to participate in a local pro-life march or prayer service.
  4. Find a local Students for Life leader or chapter in your area.


  1. Students for Life
  2. ySummit 2020
  3. Abundant Life: You Were Made for More
The Story of Thomas and Clementine

The Story of Thomas and Clementine

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What Do You See?

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