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Pornography: It’s Not Just a Guy Problem

“I could never go to anyone about this. This is a ‘guy’ sin. I’m a girl, and I shouldn’t even be looking at this stuff. I’m disgusting, dirty, and gross and no one will ever look at me the same if I told them about it. I just need to pull it together and figure this...

A Stone of Hope, A Dream for the Future

I have a dream. It is not original. It was articulated so well by Martin Luther King, Jr. I believe it also resides in the heart of God. “Now is the time to make justice a reality for all God’s children…. It would be fatal for our nation to overlook the urgency of the...

The Effect of Pornography on Families

Pornography is a phenomenon not many people are talking about, despite the epidemic running wild within the lives of our young men and women. The truth is, the majority of young people watch porn, yet few of us talk about it. Porn exists in a parallel universe, a...