Show the World What the Church Can Do For Life

In 2023, Anglicans For Life is celebrating our 40th anniversary as a ministry. We are launching “40 for Life,” a year-long campaign that celebrates the life and legacy of Anglicans For Life. We want to show the world what the church can do for life through specific activities and events that will engage the Church in Life-Affirming ministry, education, and biblical advocacy.

Our first event

In 2023, Anglicans For Life is celebrating our 40th anniversary as a ministry. We are launching “40 for Life,” a year-long campaign that celebrates the life and legacy of Anglicans For Life. We want to show the world what the church can do for life through specific activities and events that will engage the Church in Life-Affirming ministry, education, and biblical advocacy.

Our first event is a free, two-part webinar entitled, “Caring Not Killing.” The first part of the conference was held on February 13 and the second part will take place on March 13. If you are interested in learning more, visit In case you miss the webinars, a recording will be accessible on the Anglicans For Life YouTube channel.

Our second event of the 40 for Life campaign occurs in April and May. Our goal is to hold the world’s largest baby shower. We got the idea to create this nationwide baby shower after a radio station in Houston, Texas challenged local churches to collect diapers, formula, and baby paraphernalia to donate to pregnancy centers in support of the increased number of women that need help now that abortion is limited to 6 weeks in Texas.

Can you imagine if every church in the United States participated in this effort? We could ensure that women and babies were provided for, whether abortion is legal or illegal in their state. Providing practical resources and help can eliminate the fear mothers feel with their newfound responsibility. 

We need you to start planning now to participate! Pick a donation deadline between April and May. Ask parishioners to purchase packages of diapers, formula, clothing, car seats, blankets, strollers, and baby gear like pacifiers, bibs, bottles. Set up a crib, bassinet or playpen to gather the donated items on specified Sundays. Next, take a few pictures of the goods, inventory the items, and send the list and pictures to [email protected]. The final step is to deliver the supplies to your local pregnancy center.

AFL will collect all the pictures and add up all the resources donated to establish a grand total amount of materials distributed nationwide to the pregnancy centers. AFL will also have promotional resources for this nationwide shower on the webpage so that you can download flyers, announcements, and graphics to promote your parish’s event. 

Please start planning for this with your church’s leaders and help us get people from your parish involved and interested in Life-Affirming work. Together, we can show the world what the church can do for life!

The Story of Thomas and Clementine

The Story of Thomas and Clementine

A young father, Thomas, mourns not only the loss of a child through abortion, but also the tragic truth that his child’s body parts were harvested for medical research. Now, he is determined to find justice and make sure the world doesn’t forget his daughter, Clementine.

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Affording Adoption

Affording Adoption

Interested in adopting a child but fear the cost of adopting is too much? The Anglican Adoption fund aims to offset costs of adoptions for Anglican Families. Learn about this unique fund that has helped bridge the financial gap many couples fear when adopting.

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What Do You See?

What Do You See?

Editor’s Note: This article is a reflection of the sermon preached at the Anglican Prayer & Worship Service at The Falls Church Anglican on January 24, 2025 prior to the March for Life in Washington, D.C.

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