PITTSBURGH, PA – Anglicans For Life (AFL) extends gratitude to the U.S. Supreme Court Justices who broke free of their long-standing abortion industry support. Friday, the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision officially overturned the tragic Roe v. Wade case from 1973 that made abortion legal all nine months of pregnancy.

Friday’s decision, while encouraging, does not ensure every unborn child’s life is protected in the womb nationwide. The authority to determine and enforce abortion laws will now be returned to individual states and their voters. With this ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court acknowledged that the Constitution does not contain a “right to abortion,” nor should the Court continue to legislate on topics that fall under the authority of the states. As a result of this decision, individual states can now increase or relax abortion restrictions and regulations.

AFL President, Georgette Forney, recognizes that many who have had abortions, like herself, will be overwhelmed by a variety of emotions triggered by today’s decision.

“We, as a nation, need to acknowledge that while abortion is seen as a simple solution to a problem pregnancy, it is also a traumatic procedure that results in two victims: a dead baby, and the mother who is permanently changed – usually not for the better.”

Georgette Forney, AFL President

Abortion aftercare healing programs exist for the 43% of women under the age of 45 who have had at least one abortion. To locate a healing program visit www.abortionforgiveness.com.

AFL recognizes this decision requires the development of additional pre and post-pregnancy support and resources for women and families facing an unexpected pregnancy. Unplanned pregnancies should be met with planned resources and support, which is what Anglicans For Life has focused on in the past and will continue to emphasize, to a greater degree, in the future.

While this is a historic milestone for those who believe that every life is sacred, Anglicans For Life will not rest until legal protection is provided from conception to natural death for every human being. Since 1983, AFL has worked to uphold the Sanctity of Life by working to make abortion unthinkable and unnecessary, and we won’t give up until we have that victory.

Anglicans For Life is the only Life-Affirming ministry in the Anglican Communion. AFL educates and provides pastoral resources on the issues of abortion, assisted suicide, adoption, sexual risk avoidance, and bioethics. For more information about AFL or to learn how you can get involved please visit www.anglicansforlife.org.  


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