Mother’s Day is the Perfect Time for Clergy and Pastors to Share a Message of Hope and Healing for those Wounded by Abortion
We asked a number of religious leaders over the years if they would consider addressing the topic of abortion loss and healing as part of their Mother’s Day message.  The typical response; “I don’t think this is the right time to address this sensitive topic with my congregation.”

By: Theresa and Kevin Burke

We asked a number of religious leaders over the years if they would consider addressing the topic of abortion loss and healing as part of their Mother’s Day message.  The typical response; “I don’t think this is the right time to address this sensitive topic with my congregation.”

But the truth is, women healed of their abortion experience have taught us that Mother’s day is actually the perfect time to share a message of hope and healing.  Women who have had abortions may be experiencing various levels of regret and discomfort as our nation honors its moms.  

Ashley shares an experience of Mother’s Day in her faith community:

“At the close of our Sunday service, the pastor asked all mothers to stand for a special Mother’s Day blessing for all moms in the congregation.   At those times, I wanted to run out of the church, or cry out in pain.  But I sat there in silence and shame.  See, many years earlier, I aborted two of my children. 

Because of the physical damaged caused by those procedures, I was left infertile.   It would have been such a blessing on Mother’s Day to hear a message from the pastor that also acknowledged the motherhood of those who lost children to abortion, and an invitation to a deeper emotional and spiritual healing of that experience.” 

Susan Swander, and abortion recovery leader in Oregon shares:

“Yes, Mother’s Day can be a hard day for women with abortion loss. But it can also be a day for those women to celebrate being mothers.”

How is it possible that this secret and shameful event from the past – can be a cause for celebration?  

When mother’s like Susan go through an abortion recovery program they come to understand, and more importantly, intimately experience a new reality. 

 As they progress through the steps of spiritual and emotional healing, they are set free to develop an emotional reconnection as mother with their child (or children) lost to abortion, and nurture a spiritual relationship with their children, entrusted to the Lord of Life.  

Susan shares:

“So many women who have had abortions never thought of themselves as mothers…after my Rachel’s Vineyard healing retreat, Mother’s Day became a day for me to honor and celebrate my three aborted children & one miscarried.”

Time to Light up God’s House!

Jesus tells us in Matthew’s Gospel:

No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.

Don’t leave this message of hope and healing under a basket. Share this article with your pastor or other person in pastoral leadership in your faith community.  

If you have experienced abortion loss and attended an abortion recovery program, offer to meet with a leader from your church to share your experience, and offer support and encouragement in their outreach to women and men wounded by abortion.

Let the light of reconciliation and healing shine brightly for God’s people!  

[The Silent No More Awareness Campaign, through their Shockwaves Initiative, has created a special section of prayers and preaching aids that can help clergy and pastors share a message of hope and healing at this time of year.]    

The Story of Thomas and Clementine

The Story of Thomas and Clementine

A young father, Thomas, mourns not only the loss of a child through abortion, but also the tragic truth that his child’s body parts were harvested for medical research. Now, he is determined to find justice and make sure the world doesn’t forget his daughter, Clementine.

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Affording Adoption

Affording Adoption

Interested in adopting a child but fear the cost of adopting is too much? The Anglican Adoption fund aims to offset costs of adoptions for Anglican Families. Learn about this unique fund that has helped bridge the financial gap many couples fear when adopting.

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What Do You See?

What Do You See?

Editor’s Note: This article is a reflection of the sermon preached at the Anglican Prayer & Worship Service at The Falls Church Anglican on January 24, 2025 prior to the March for Life in Washington, D.C.

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