“I’m Just Like You” Flashcards Product Update

A wonderful door opened in January for our Anglicans For Life group at The Falls Church Anglican. We were invited by our Children & Family Ministry to present a Sunday School lesson to elementary-age children on life in the womb. 

Our lesson plan was drawn from the lesson “The Baby’s Heart Beats Like Mine” by Justice for All. Our

A wonderful door opened in January for our Anglicans For Life group at The Falls Church Anglican. We were invited by our Children & Family Ministry to present a Sunday School lesson to elementary-age children on life in the womb. 

Our lesson plan was drawn from the lesson “The Baby’s Heart Beats Like Mine” by Justice for All. Our team of three teachers expanded and adapted this lesson for three classes (grades K/1, 2/3, 4/5) at two services – reaching over 100 children! The lesson was a mixture of Bible study and science. Some highlights included singing a Scripture song, “You Knit Me Together in my Mother’s Womb,” learning about the incredible growth of preborn human life, watching two short videos of babies in the womb, listening to a four-week fetal heartbeat (recorded on video) and then our own heartbeats (with a stethoscope), and making a bracelet that tells the story of the baby’s heart starting to beat at three weeks. 

To reinforce this lesson, we prepared an AFL Family Resource Box with beautiful age-appropriate books and other materials for parents to borrow. We included the “I’m Just Like You” flashcards that AFL recently produced! 

We are planning an elementary-age field trip this spring to our local pregnancy help center. Sunday School students will bring encouraging notecards and little shower gifts for moms and babies being served by the center. This will give our children an opportunity to put their faith into action and to bless others. 

Our hope is that seeds of truth will take root in young minds, so that children growing up in today’s culture will be equipped to withstand the assault of relativism and lies that degrade human life. Our value is not based on age, location, or ability, but on the truth that we are each created in the image of God. Anyone interested in using the lesson can reach out to me at [email protected]

Words Matter in Advocating

Words Matter in Advocating

Words matter. This article reminds us of the importance of words. When we use the
wrong words to describe a despicable action, people can be fooled into thinking
they support something good, when in reality if you support “reproductive
freedom” and “reproductive rights,” you are supporting the dismemberment
or poisoning of an unborn baby in the safety of the womb.

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