Abundant Life and Youth Leaders

Hi, I’m a male youth leader, and I’ve been having trouble addressing topics such as sexuality and abstinence with my youth group, but especially with female youth members.  How do I start these conversations?

A lot of people in the Church, male or female, whether they are youth leaders, parents, or pastors, feel awkward about having conversations

Hi, I’m a male youth leader, and I’ve been having trouble addressing topics such as sexuality and abstinence with my youth group, but especially with female youth members.  How do I start these conversations?

A lot of people in the Church, male or female, whether they are youth leaders, parents, or pastors, feel awkward about having conversations with teenagers about sexuality and abstinence.  But it’s still important that you have them!  To help with this, AFL has developed a web-based curriculum called Abundant Life: You Were Made for More, which addresses sexuality and abstinence, as well as identity, dating, depression, social media usage, and pornography.  The curriculum also includes questions and answers to help generate healthy and honest discussions.  You can learn more about the curriculum on the website YouWereMadeforMore.org.  The website also includes great resources for youth leaders.

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