You’re Invited to the World’s Largest Baby Shower!
When I started serving as the executive director of Anglicans For Life (AFL) back in 1998, there were approximately 1.3 million abortions occurring annually according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute. I was shocked to realize the rate was so high, and I recall multiple conversations and speeches when I would ask the question; “If we don’t want women to have abortions, are we, as the Church, prepared to support 1.3 million pregnant women? 

By: Canon Georgette Forney

When I started serving as the executive director of Anglicans For Life (AFL) back in 1998, there were approximately 1.3 million abortions occurring annually according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute. I was shocked to realize the rate was so high, and I recall multiple conversations and speeches when I would ask the question; “If we don’t want women to have abortions, are we, as the Church, prepared to support 1.3 million pregnant women? 

Past and present research shows that one of the top three reasons women have abortions is because they don’t believe they have the support from the people around them to manage a pregnancy and care for a newborn child. The support that they feel is lacking includes having access to the financial and material resources necessary to embrace motherhood and care for their child as they grow. 

Fast forward 25 years, and now Roe has been overturned, and women in many states are accepting motherhood as access to abortion is no longer available or has been greatly limited (something we thank God for every day).  

I believe the change in the federal law, which returned abortion legislation back to the states, will also impact women’s overall opinion of abortion. When something is legal, even if you question its moral validity, it will be seen as acceptable. But, now that abortion is illegal, it will not be perceived as a valid choice or an appropriate solution to an unplanned pregnancy. 

The new legal status of abortion has led to more expectant mothers in need of financial and material support. 

While abortion rates have decreased to under 1 million over the last few years, my question to the church is still valid and must be answered. Is the church prepared to help women facing unexpected pregnancies? 

Anglicans For Life has come up with a fun plan to respond to the very real needs of these new moms – we are hosting the world’s largest baby shower!  

AFL’s vision for the “World’s Largest Baby Shower” is to have each church host a Baby Shower and collect baby items that can be donated to local pregnancy centers or given to pregnant women in the parish during the months of April and May.  

Before delivering the donated supplies locally, we ask that the items be inventoried, and a few pictures taken. Then, the list and the pictures are to be emailed to AFL so that we can calculate the total number of items collected nationwide and publicize the aggregate amount of what was donated. As a result, we can show the world what the church can do for life – especially when we work together! 

Can you imagine the fun we will have celebrating and reporting that five tons of baby paraphernalia were donated coast to coast by the Anglican community? That’s our goal! 

Anglicans For Life has set-up a special webpage that has instructions, videos, promotional information, and details to help you and your church participate in the “World’s Largest Baby Shower,” will you join us? 

The Story of Thomas and Clementine

The Story of Thomas and Clementine

A young father, Thomas, mourns not only the loss of a child through abortion, but also the tragic truth that his child’s body parts were harvested for medical research. Now, he is determined to find justice and make sure the world doesn’t forget his daughter, Clementine.

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Affording Adoption

Affording Adoption

Interested in adopting a child but fear the cost of adopting is too much? The Anglican Adoption fund aims to offset costs of adoptions for Anglican Families. Learn about this unique fund that has helped bridge the financial gap many couples fear when adopting.

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What Do You See?

What Do You See?

Editor’s Note: This article is a reflection of the sermon preached at the Anglican Prayer & Worship Service at The Falls Church Anglican on January 24, 2025 prior to the March for Life in Washington, D.C.

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