Proclaim what the Holy Scriptures say about the sacredness of life and why God’s people are called to stand against abortion – which destroys life.
These are the actionable points that you can use to spread truthful information about the abortion pills.

Teach the Truth Through Scripture
Use the Scriptures that teach the truth about the value and dignity of every human being, to help believers understand why abortion is wrong.

Employ Prayer
Employ prayer to prevent abortion, recognizing the fight for life is a battle between good and evil, life and death and all spiritual battles must be fought in the spiritual realm.

Deploy Pro-Life Apologetics
Deploy pro-life apologetics to arguments that support the murder of innocent unborn babies.
About Spiritual Truths
Just as the serpent misled Adam and Eve about the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge, satan continues to mislead people into disobeying God’s Commandments and wisdom. God’s ways are perfect and just, but our post-Judeo-Christian society has chosen to adopt a culture of death mentality instead, embracing selfishness, sexual immorality, and the value of individual rights over loving our neighbor as ourself.
AFL recognizes that some people do not feel social justice issues should be addressed in the pulpit. Instead, some clergy feel we should just just preach the Gospel. However, we must appreciate the importance of discipleship training, which should include discussing difficult issues, especially the sins the people in the pews are struggling with.”
Family Research Council’s Center for Biblical Worldview recently conducted a Survey on Adult Churchgoers on Social Issues and Worldview. David Closson, director of the Center for Biblical Worldview, wrote in an op-ed for the Washington Stand, regarding the survey’s findings on churchgoers’ views on abortion which merit attention and show an “ongoing need for instruction in a biblical worldview, particularly on abortion and the value of human life.” The research is very interesting and worth the read if you are a leader in a church.
Training people in God’s word, not only gives them biblical knowledge but also a better understanding of their calling as Christians, to acts of love, inspired by God’s love. Prayer, ministry, outreach, and education – sharing the truth happens when obeying and loving God is each believer’s priority. Remember, in My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers reminds us on January 18, “We are not sent to battle for God, but to be used by God in His battles.”
Remember, if the Church doesn’t teach the truth, the culture of death is happy to fill the void of our silence. This article represents the reality of what young people in America are taught about abortion and life.

“Many churches don’t want to be divisive, so they choose to say nothing, but when you say nothing you say something. Many Christians have been left with the impression that it doesn’t really matter what Christians think about abortion because the people they look to for guidance on these issues live and act like it doesn’t matter.”
-Joseph Backholm
Tactic #1: Teach the Truth Through Scripture!
There are hundreds of verses throughout the Bible that highlight the value God places on every human life. Becoming familiar with the various stories and verses will equip you to share the truth about the value and dignity of every human being, especially as our culture embraces death and evil.
You may be familiar with Genesis 1:27, when God declares that He will create man in His image; Deuteronomy 30:19, where God calls the Israelites to choose life; or Psalm 139, when David declares how God knit him together in his mother’s womb. Reading the Scriptures with a sensitivity to the Sanctity of Life reveals that cover to cover, God proclaims that life is sacred.
“Many churches don’t want to be divisive, so they choose to say nothing, but when you say nothing you say something. Many Christians have been left with the impression that it doesn’t really matter what Christians think about abortion because the people they look to for guidance on these issues live and act like it doesn’t matter.” -Family Research Council’s Joseph Backholm
If God’s word proclaims it, we should preach and teach it!

Additional Resources/Links
Tactic #2: Employ Prayer
Because abortion, like child sacrifice, is demonic, we must recognize that at the heart of fighting for life is the battle between good and evil – life and death. All spiritual battles must be fought in the spiritual realm, which is why prayer is critical in seeking to not only protect life but to prevent abortion from expanding in our culture and country.
Anglicans For Life makes prayer a priority and posts a daily prayer on our social media pages that you can share daily. If you’d like to start reading these, use the social media links in the footer or header of this webpage. We also have a prayer team of over 800 people that receive quarterly prayer calendars with daily prayers for life. Addirionally, we have a unique team of prayer warrior dedicated to emergencies and special request prayers called SWAT. Recruiting people to join in praying for life is the most important part of Life-Affirming ministry.
At the bottom of every page on AFL’s website is a Prayer for Life that we encourage you to pray and share with others.
Tactic #3: Deploy Pro-Life Apologetics
The expectation that everyone has a moral compass embedded in their heart, that drives their values and actions can no longer be depended upon. Moral and ethical arguments against the murder of innocent unborn babies are often the hardest to traverse and nowadays is referred to as pro-life apologetics.
While we must recognize that many “arguments” in support of abortion are actually lost leaders designed to deflect and avoid the truth about the value of life and the evil of killing innocent preborn babies, being prepared to address them, can result in earning the right to be heard after graciously answering pro-abortion objections.
Stephanie Gray Connor and Josh Brahm are both experts in identifying and answering these objections with grace and humility and AFL recommends that you do a deep dive into their presentations done at the AFL Life SUMMITs. (Click their names above to watch their presentations).