The Gift of Pregnancy
The moment a woman finds out she is pregnant, everything in her world suddenly changes! She may be happy and excited, or shocked and scared – or both. The words of Psalm 139 become personal as King David describes what God does when He creates a new life. These profound words remind us that every life is intimately known by God even before we know we are pregnant. We encourage you to watch your baby’s development unfold at The Voyage of Life website.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
-psalm 139
Pregnancy Complications
Prenatal Diagnosis
Pregnancy can be a frightening time — especially when prenatal tests indicate that the unborn child is diagnosed with a fetal condition or other serious malady. For many pro-life people, aborting the child is an unacceptable answer, but they also have many questions and concerns. Be Not Afraid is a helpful site that provides resources, testimonies, and ways to help the family navigate things like prenatal hospice care, baptism after birth, and funeral preparation.

Still-birth and Miscarriage
A miscarriage is the unplanned loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week of pregnancy. At least 10 to 15% of all known pregnancies end in miscarriage, but experts say the actual rate of miscarriage is probably greater because some miscarriages occur before women even realize they are pregnant. According to the CDC, stillbirth is less common, occurring in 1 out of 160 pregnancies in the United States. Both, however, can be equally devastating to the parents of the children who died. For those struggling after miscarriage or stillbirth, Elizabeth Ministry is an international movement offering hope & healing after pregnancy loss.
Mothers and fathers of miscarried children often grieve in silence after the loss of a child. Often times, even those who are Christians don’t know what to say or how to help. The Church needs to help the parents grieve and heal by letting them know their child’s life mattered.
Child Development
Child development occurs in the womb and outside the womb. AFL recognizes the importance of educating adults and children about the development of a baby in the womb. We believe that when people are educated about the human life inside the womb, we can save more lives from the threat of abortion. One way you, your church, and your child can learn about babies in the womb is through our “I’m Just Like You” flashcards.
The Church and Unplanned Pregnancy
The Church needs to make sure that its response to unwed mothers or teenagers facing an unplanned pregnancy is not condemnation; the sin committed is that of sex outside of marriage, not being pregnant. By creating an environment where unplanned motherhood is seen as the worst offense, the Church inadvertently pressures women into choosing abortion. We need to honor women who give life to their children, and help teenage mothers care for their child – no matter how he or she was conceived.
Teen Pregnancy
As our culture has evolved, the challenges parents face as they seek to raise responsible adults has also become more difficult. Online pornography, sexting, cyber bullying, and social media add to more common problems such as drug abuse and teen pregnancy. While we are happy to report that teen pregnancy rates continue to fall, the unexpected news of our child expecting a child can unnerve even the most stalwart parent. AFL strongly encourages any family facing this scenario to seek out the practical advice and help of a book called, “How to Survive Your Teen’s Pregnancy.”
- Teen pregnancy rate in 2020 15.4%
- Percent of unintended teen pregnancies that end in abortion 55%
- High school drop-out rate for teen moms 50%
- Percent of U.S. teens that will get pregnant by the age of 20 30%