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Landmark Study: Assisted Death for Eating Disorders

The author reviews a study related to using assisted death for people suffering from eating disorders, but the findings provide a glimpse of mental health care providers who are failing to truly treat people with disorders, instead offering to kill them.

‘Devastating’ and ‘Tragic’: Study Finds Higher Rates of Suicide Attempts for Post-Abortive Women

Abortion has been compared to getting a tooth pulled, painful but not a big deal. This article highilghts a study that reminds us that Abortion is a very big deal – especially impacting the moral well-being of the woman to the point of suicide ideation.

We Must Do More to Promote Adoption as an Abortion Alternative

People often see the value of adoption over abortion but don’t recognize how difficult the adoption process can be. This article has great policy ideas to make adoption a greater option!

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Orphans & Vulnerable Children