Life Ministry

I am priest, and my church is very pro-life, but we want to be doing more life ministry. How should we get started?

Every church is different and unique, so your life ministry will be likewise. The first step is to give our office a call. Georgette would love to talk to you about your church, your congregation’s interests

I am priest, and my church is very pro-life, but we want to be doing more life ministry. How should we get started?

Every church is different and unique, so your life ministry will be likewise. The first step is to give our office a call. Georgette would love to talk to you about your church, your congregation’s interests and passions, and local groups and resources in your area. You can reach us from 9 am to 5 pm EST at 412-749-0455. We also encourage you to consider either establishing a Life Leader in your congregation, who would serve as your church’s coordinator of life ministry and the liaison between AFL and your church, or a Life Chapter, which would be a team of people focused on creating life-affirming ministry opportunities. You can learn more about both on our life leadership page. For practical things you can do for life, we encourage you to visit our Take Action page or Anglicans in Action You Tube Series. Both feature different topics with accompanying action ideas and resources, as well as our “what can you do” search tool.

The Story of Thomas and Clementine

The Story of Thomas and Clementine

A young father, Thomas, mourns not only the loss of a child through abortion, but also the tragic truth that his child’s body parts were harvested for medical research. Now, he is determined to find justice and make sure the world doesn’t forget his daughter, Clementine.

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Affording Adoption

Affording Adoption

Interested in adopting a child but fear the cost of adopting is too much? The Anglican Adoption fund aims to offset costs of adoptions for Anglican Families. Learn about this unique fund that has helped bridge the financial gap many couples fear when adopting.

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What Do You See?

What Do You See?

Editor’s Note: This article is a reflection of the sermon preached at the Anglican Prayer & Worship Service at The Falls Church Anglican on January 24, 2025 prior to the March for Life in Washington, D.C.

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