
God continues to empower AFL’s ministry to equip His people. Through our generous donors, and God’s Grace, we continue to grow this ministry and impact the lives of Anglicans around the world. As a result of this incredible growth, AFL continues to create new goals, initiatives, and programs to spread His word and protect life.
woman putting money in donation jar

Why Donate?

When you donate to AFL, you are undergirding the ministry’s financial foundation so we have the ability to create Life-Affirming programs, resources, and events that positively impact families, children, elderly, and the unborn. 

AFL’s president and Board of Directors establish annual mission-driven goals and projects that are funded by your donations, and we are happy to provide information about those plans upon request. Without your generous support we cannot achieve the goals or continue acting as an agent for cultural change. 

All donations are tax-deductible and 100% of your donation goes towards Life-Affirming ministry. There are a variety of ways YOU can donate. Explore them below:

Donation Options

Life Champions Monthly Giving Program

Support our ministry by joining our Life Champions monthly sustainer program – to help support our life-giving work year-round.

By choosing to donate regularly (by credit card or EFT), you provide stability and predictability for Anglicans For Life because we rely on the generosity of donations to fund our ministry. This also allows us to plan and execute our programs more effectively. Learn more

Online Giving (e-giving)

We are pleased to provide an easy, secure way for you to donate to our ministry online. There’s no need for checks or stamps. Simply provide your donation details and payment information to make a donation through our Christian-based servicer, e-giving. E-giving goes beyond normal security expectations and attains top-level PCI compliancy standards – PCI 1 Compliance, which is utilized by credit cards and major financial institutions.

Text to Give

Donate to AFL via text! Text “LIFE” to 412-274-5433 (LIFE) to donate today!

Multi-year Leadership Pledge

Make a multi-year leadership commitment that results in catalytic change. Fulfilled over a period of your choosing, you can designate your investment to a particular initiative, like our 40 for Life Campaign, educational programs, or multiple areas, like Life SUMMIT and our newsletter. Call us today to learn about transformational opportunities. Call us today

IRA Distribution Redirect

Our EIN is 52-143-1886

Cashless assets

Gifts of vehicles, underused property, or other non-cash appreciated assets are highly impactful and tax-smart methods of giving that eliminate capital gains tax and provide an official tax receipt for the full market value of the asset. Call us today.


Stock Giving

We are pleased to accept stock donations. Our company is Key Investment Services. DTC #0443, our account name is Anglicans For Life, and the ID is HRW046456.

Wills and Estates

Leave an enduring legacy for life by pledging a portion of your estate to Anglicans For Life. There is no cost to you now and you can change your estate plans at any time. Your willed gift ensures that tomorrow’s pro-lifers are equipped with the right information and resources. Call us to begin the conversation.


Gifts of Shares

One of the most efficient and impactful ways to give is to donate appreciated shares. When you transfer shares to Anglicans For Life designated broker, there is no capital gains tax paid, ensuring that the full value of your donation goes to support our work, not the government. Official tax receipts are issued for the full transactional amount.

Matching Gifts

AFL is often challenged by a generous donor to invite people to match a special donation that goes towards underwriting the additional expenses incurred in January when we host our annual Life SUMMIT. For specific information about this year’s grant contact AFL at

Already a Donor?

We are incredibly grateful for your generosity. Please consider becoming a monthly donor with our Life Champions Monthly Giving Program.