Church Involvement Opportunities
Become a Life-Affirming Church
AFL wants to build partnerships with churches that uphold the Sanctity of Life in word and deed. Churches that adopt the Anglicans For Life Declaration of Life Statement and make the Life-Affirming Church (LAC) commitment will have their church listed on the LAC map featured on AFL’s website. This map can aid visitors in discovering churches that bear witness to the value of life. Every LAC receives additional newsletters to distribute to their congregation, and updates about AFL resources, plus a 15% discount on all products and event tickets.
AFL Declaration of Life Statement
We believe God, and not man, is the creator of human life. Therefore, from conception to natural death, we will protect and respect the sanctity of every human life. Furthermore, we recognize that the unjustified taking of life is sinful, but God gives absolution to those who ask for His forgiveness.
Life-Affirming Church Responsibilities Include:
- Teach and preach the Sanctity of Life as proclaimed in God’s Holy Word.
- Educate and equip church members to protect, honor, and celebrate every human life from conception to natural death.
- Provide pastoral support and counsel to those struggling with the consequences of previous or current life and death choices.

Start an AFL Chapter
An AFL Chapter is formed when a church has several people who are actively committed to addressing topics which threaten life. Chapter members educate, advocate, and provide practical ministry needs to women facing unplanned pregnancies, individuals at the end-of-life, and other vulnerable groups.
Every church is unique, therefore, every Chapter’s ministry focus will reflect the local needs. Chapters minister where God calls them to make a difference. For some, that may be teaming up with an elderly care home to read to residents, while others may wish to focus on partnering with the local pregnancy center or supporting foster care parents. Chapters are responsible for seeking God’s guidance and direction for the ministry He is calling them to do for His kingdom.

What Do Chapters Do?
No one Chapter is the same, thus, each Chapter’s focus and goals will be different. Chapters minister where God calls them to make a difference. For some, that may be teaming up with an elderly home to aid in their care, for others, they may wish to focus on pregnancy centers and becoming sidewalk advocates. Chapters are responsible for carrying out God’s word through action here on Earth.
Chapter Duties:
- Chapter’s should establish ministry goals that serve the Chapter’s vision.
- Plan events.
- Hold one Life-Affirming service or offering a year.
- Distribute the AFL newsletter, Carpe Diem.
- Regularly communicate with Chapter members.
How to Start A Chapter
- Acknowledge a call for life ministry in your church.
- Discuss your church’s vision with AFL’s president, Georgette Forney.
- Request a Chapter Handbook from AFL.
- Obtain approval from your church leadership to start the chapter (rector and priest/ pastor).
- Schedule meetings with life advocates and protectors in your church to determine God’s vision and purpose for your chapter.
- Establish annual goals and activities for your chapter.
- Start your life ministry activities.